The Financial Planning Team Enjoys FPA Far West Round Up

The Yeske Buie Financial Planning Team attended the 2015 Far West Round-Up Conference on the UC Santa Cruz campus from Thursday August 13 to Sunday August 16. The team has been attending this informal, retreat-style gathering of financial planners for several years now with Dave serving his sixth term as Sheriff. The intimate environment creates a comfortable space for dedicated practitioners to engage in thought-provoking discussion and invite guests to speak to the energetic group. Lauren Grove sums up the reason we love attending this gathering every year:
“It’s a great learning opportunity with impressive speakers and engaging, actionable topics each year. It’s also a fun and casual atmosphere! We sleep in the UCSC dorm rooms and share snacks and conversations on the quad each evening. It’s a great time for team bonding with both the San Francisco and Virginia teams together in one setting!”
We were appreciative of the variety of presentations arranged for the conference as we had the opportunity to learn about a wide range of topics such as disability benefits, impact investing, and getting in touch with our future selves to save more for retirement. We also had a unique opportunity to welcome CFP® Board CEO Kevin Keller and Chair of the Board of Directors, Rich Rojek, to speak to our group and answer questions. We will be sharing some of the insights gleaned from the conference in the next Digest but for now, we hope you enjoy some of the photos from the event.